Smart Lockout

Smart Lockout

Doctor provides a perfect iot security lock management platform. BOZZYS is the Internet of Things active security solution provider near you.
Industry status

The 2020s will be a booming decade for the Internet of Things. Relying on the core concept of “Internet of Everything”, Wenzhou Boshi pays attention to worker safety and hazard management, as well as anti-theft management.

  • Traditional factories have many energy sources;
  • The isolation device corresponding to the power source is not easy to find;
  • The paper management of fault maintenance work order is serious, which is not conducive to follow-up traceability management。

In order to optimize management, Wenzhou BOYYZS actively explores information management methods, and introduces the Internet of Things technology means to achieve the “safety traceability closed-loop management” of the production plant.

Industry status
Industry Management of pain point analysis

BOZZYS pays great attention to the safety management of the production site, customizes a strict locking scheme for the enterprise, and requires the enterprise to strictly follow the eight steps of LOTO safety, especially the management of energy sources to ensure the safety of the operation.
Although there are reasonable process operation plans and strict implementation manuals, the following problems still exist on the production site, which need to be solved urgently:

  • Lock Management
    Lock Management
    The lockouts are inconvenient to use and lack visual management.
  • Lock Point Identification
    Lock Point Identification
    Locking point (isolation device), it is inconvenient to find, and there is a lack of certification means on site.
  • Lock Status Confirmation
    Lock Status Confirmation
    Locking and unlocking operations cannot be effectively confirmed.
  • Master Schedule
    Master Schedule
    Maintenance work order, lack of visual management, unable to grasp the maintenance progress.
  • Repair Order Query
    Repair Order Query
    Repair work orders cannot be effectively traced back.
  • Personnel Qualifications
    Personnel Qualifications
    It is difficult to review the qualifications of maintenance personnel.
Technical<br> breakthrough
Through protocol docking, visual management, and hardware customization, the Internet of Things locking and tagging management platform is realized.
Software Development
  • 01
    Scene Visualization
    It mainly realizes the multi-level scene graphical display of production site. Mark a variety of resources, and resource statistics and display.
  • 02
    Work Order Visualization
    It mainly realizes the execution of work order on the production site and supports work order associated energy source and isolation device marking
  • 03
    LOTO Visualization
    Through work order information traceability, LOTO management eight steps, detailed view of the complete process information
  • 04
    Resource Visualization
    It mainly realizes the marking management of energy source, isolation device and lock box on production site.
  • 05
    Event Visualization
    It mainly realizes instant notification of platform events, unread event statistics, and event details traceability
    • Platform Design Framework
    • Network Topology
    • Front Frame Design
    • Backstage Frame Design
    Network Topology
    • Intelligent perception layer

      Capture various front-end devices and collect basic data;

    • Network transport layer

      “efficient and timely” transmission of multiple links, providing support for data aggregation;

    • Data resource layer

      Based on the unified data interface and data service, collect all kinds of data, and conduct data governance to realize data cleaning, storage and storage;

    • Application support layer

      Sort out the actual business process, realize the visualization of Mars food production scenarios, the visualization of maintenance work orders, the standardization of LOTO, and the integrated management of data resources and events;

    • Platform service layer

      Establish the “Internet of Things security lock management platform” service to meet practical application needs and provide external data interface services

    Network Topology
    • Passive locks

      Anti-magnetic explosion-proof;

    • IoT Handheld

      Provides mobile terminal business applications, supports 4G data communication, can identify RFID tags, authorizes real-time switch and lock permissions, can identify ID cards, and has unlocking function;

    • RFID tag

      Marking the identity of the controlled isolator;

    • Management server

      Collects, cleans, and stores terminal equipment and platform operation data, and supports 4G communication with IoT handhelds;

    • Sub-control management platform

      Provide IoT lock security management applications for various business functions, support work order visualization, LOTO visualization, etc.

    Front Frame Design
    • Map Drawing

      Realize resource plotting, multi-level scene management, execution work order visualization management and regional information statistics on the production site;

    • Work Order Management

      Realize the electronic management of work orders, make the process traceable and manageable, and support query and statistics;

    • LOTO Management

      Subdivide 8 steps of LOTO safety production to realize LOTO electronic management;

    • Regional Display

      Provide key information linkage prompts, and support dynamic large-screen information display;

    • Event Alarm

      Realize event alarm linkage and information prompt, support event history query and statistics;

    • Resource Query

      Realize basic energy source information query and associated work order record query, and realize basic information query and event record query of isolation devices.

    Backstage Frame Design
    • Department Management

      Realize the information input, view, statistics and department personnel management of each department of the company;

    • Personnel Management

      Realize the management of company personnel, contractors and temporary personnel respectively, among which contractors and temporary personnel focus on qualification certificate management

    • Role Management

      Divided into role management and permission management;

    • Location Management

      Realize scene location management, and support query and statistics;

    • Equipment Management

      Realize the basic information management, operation record query and statistics of locks, keys, labels, base stations, lock boxes and pads;

    • Energy Source Management

      Realize the basic information management of energy source, fault linkage configuration, and customize the safety level function to meet the management needs of production locking;

    • Isolation Device Management

      Realize the basic information management and label binding management of isolation devices. Among them, the label type supports RFID and electronic tags;

    • Log Management

      Realize equipment operation log, Loto action log and platform log records, and support query and statistics according to conditions.

    Hardware Design
    • ny_yjyf_desc
      Intelligent Lock Development

      Password Lock Series

      Fingerprint Lock Series

      NFC Passive Lock Series

      Non-power IoT Management Series Locks

      Electronic Key

    • ny_yjyf_desc
      Internet of Things Handheld Terminal

      Customized compound networking security lock application software

      LOTO whole process control

      RFID tag identification

      Passive lock switch operation

      Application Visualization and Application Development

      Real-time communication with the background, real-time management and control operations